I’m trying to use the ansible cloudformation module to setup a EC2 instance. When I run it through the cloudformation ansible module I get the following error.
TASK: [Create Cloud foundation Example] ***************************************
REMOTE_MODULE cloudformation stack_name=“ansible-cloudformation” state=present region=eu-west-1 disable_rollback=yes template=files/ec-layer.json
failed: [localhost] => {“failed”: true}
msg: boolean must follow xsd1.1 definition
FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting
when I run the contents of files/ec-layer.json in the Cloudformation portal it loads correctly. I have increased the error logging however I can’t find anymore detail other than:
msg: boolean must follow xsd1.1 definition
I have searched google and have seen this message in the boto lists however I can’t seem to find anything that helps me solve the issue. Has anyone seen a similar issue before?