Problem deploying with cloudformation module

I’m trying to use the ansible cloudformation module to setup a EC2 instance. When I run it through the cloudformation ansible module I get the following error.

TASK: [Create Cloud foundation Example] ***************************************
REMOTE_MODULE cloudformation stack_name=“ansible-cloudformation” state=present region=eu-west-1 disable_rollback=yes template=files/ec-layer.json

failed: [localhost] => {“failed”: true}
msg: boolean must follow xsd1.1 definition

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

when I run the contents of files/ec-layer.json in the Cloudformation portal it loads correctly. I have increased the error logging however I can’t find anymore detail other than:

msg: boolean must follow xsd1.1 definition

I have searched google and have seen this message in the boto lists however I can’t seem to find anything that helps me solve the issue. Has anyone seen a similar issue before?



We would probably need to the see the playbook and cloudformation file to understand more, but this almost sounds like it’s cloud formation yelling at you and already out of Ansible’s hands at this point?