I have the items defined in the file vars/myvars.yml as below:
world: asia: country: india state: maha city: mumbai
n_america: nation: canada province : quebec city: montreal
When I try to print them with a loop and subelements , i am missing something - name: play to print the details hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars: - vars/myvars.yml tasks: - name: printing the details of montreal debug: msg: “{{ item[2] [‘city’]}}” loop: “{{ world | subelements(‘n_america’) | dict2items }}”
I receive a error like “obj must be a list of dicts or a nested dict”}
msg: with "*world .*n_america.city" will work
I want to print this through loop only , as i need to process other items also.
“Not sure what you’re trying to do with subelements.” - I want to avoid printing messages of other dict items ( asia) from vars during the execution (in the skipping), which prints some sensitive info on the screen.
Turning on no_log is not helpful in registering the output.
So , I was trying to call only the variables under n_america when I execute the task and i got it . However for now skipping shows the items from asia during the play .