Hi there,
I am using foreman for setting up some Ubuntu clients, using ansible as configuration management. I was struggeling with preseed late_command and ansible-pull, that’s why I would like to post about a working solution:
d-i preseed/late_command string \
echo 'GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true /usr/bin/ansible-pull -C gitworkshop -U https://github.com/mylogin/ansibles.git -d /tmp/ansibles -i ./localhost ansible/workshop.yml' > /target/tmp/pull.sh; \
chmod +x /target/tmp/pull.sh; \
chroot /target /bin/sh /tmp/pull.sh
Note: GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY can be omited in case you have all ca-certificates properly configured.
the localhost file contains the localhost word.
Note: this did not work with the in-target preseed keyword.
Best Regards