I’m trying to database query by ansible postgresql_query module. I’m using positional_args parameter for dynamically sending database parameter value.
This my ansible block:
- set_fact:
joined_ts_list: |-
{{ user_def_tablespace | join(“‘,’”) | string}}
when: inventory_hostname in groups [‘edbmaster’] and user_def_tablespace is defined
- name: Check the tablespace details
db: “{{ edb_databasename }}”
port: “{{ DB_PORT }}”
login_unix_socket: /tmp
login_user: “{{ edb_user }}”
query: select spcname,pg_tablespace_location(oid) from pg_tablespace where spcname in (%s)
- ‘{{ joined_ts_list }}’
when: inventory_hostname in groups [‘edbmaster’] and user_def_tablespace is defined
register: pg_query_op
- name: Tablespace status details
msg: “{{ pg_query_op.query }}”
when: inventory_hostname in groups [‘edbmaster’] and user_def_tablespace is defined
Here user_def_tablespace is list variable in my variable file.
- data_tbspc
- index_tbspec
My issue is that the variable names having extra single quotes when I’m passing it as an argument but during the set_fact there is no extra double quote. Like below
TASK [extra_user_def_taks : debug] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“msg”: “data_tbspc’,'index_tbspec” —> only one single quote
TASK [extra_user_def_taks : Tablespace status details] ******************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“msg”: “select spcname,pg_tablespace_location(oid) from pg_tablespace where spcname in (‘data_tbspc**’‘,’‘**index_tbspec’)” —> Extra single quote is appending
I’m not able to debug this issue. Hope I’m clear with my problem.
Need your expert advise to resolve this problem.