In order to help you, we are going to need some more information – can you give the context of the command you ran (what generated that error message?) and the yaml file you’re using to try to set up the envronment?
At first glance this seems like an environmental issue, but we’ll need more information to be sure.
The script I’m using is working perfectly on one OpenShift cluster, but this is the first time I’m running it in this sandbox cluster. There are also some other AWX instances running on this sandbox cluster, but they are 20.0.1. I’m guessing there’s some role I need to set in the 21.10.2 instance.yaml that was already set before I arrived on the working cluster, but is not yet set in the sandbox cluster. So, I know something is set up right and am trying to figure out how to see the difference between the working and non-working instances.
I’m skilled at writing playbooks, but I’m self-teaching this business of installing. Our admin left suddenly with no training or documentation and I’m building skills as I go at both OpenShift and AWX.
The command was just:
oc apply -f awx-instance.yaml
The yaml in question is 1300 lines, but these are the ones I know immediately pertain:
Sadly, I fired off an email to the VSphere admin and got back an “it’s fixed now” and no answer to a request for insight. So, yes it’s fixed and yes it was VMWare, but I cannot tell the fix.