Polling URL using 'until' loop - how to get feedback during the loop


My playbook imports a backup that takes a while, and that needs to be
finished before I continue with the rest.
I have created this task:

- name: "Poll backup import process"
  uri: url=http://localhost:8090/setup/longrunningtaskxml.action?taskId=\{{
taskid }}
    HEADER_Cookie="{{ wizard.set_cookie }}"
  register: longrunner_status
  until: "'<currentStatus>Complete.</currentStatus>' in
  delay: 5
  retries: 1000

This works great.
But, during this task there is no output.
And because it takes a while, with lots of retries, the screen is
empty after a while, so it's hard to tell what's happening.

Is there a way to have output during the loop?


There was a bug on displaying retries, that should have been fixed in current versions.