Hi all,
I’ve put together a brief survey to ask a little about everyone’s environment and Ansible usage. If you can help out, that would be hugely valuable to targeting Ansible better at everyone’s needs and understanding where they spend most of their time. Replies will be totally confidential, but I’ll probably post a summary to the list with aggregate conclusions (nobody’s actual words, of course), so we can get a better feel for how everyone is using things.
I also mentioned in the survey that I’m trying to start a “who uses Ansible” section for the web site. If you’d like to share some quotes or your companies’s name and URL, that would be great.
The intent is to end up with something about like this (https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/WhoUsesCobbler) but a bit more nicely formatted.
Here is the survey link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8YH3B53