Playbook vs Play

Is there a specific advantage to using more than one Play in a Playbook
instead of multiple playbooks? Maybe I'm not understanding what a "Play"

Is this terminology correct?

"A playbook contains one or more plays, each consisting of one or more


Is there a specific advantage to using more than one Play in a Playbook
instead of multiple playbooks? Maybe I'm not understanding what a "Play"

If you have a deployment process that requires addressing multiple types of nodes in series, it would ensure
you always execute them in that specific order. Otherwise, not really.

Is this terminology correct?

"A playbook contains one or more plays, each consisting of one or more


I use it in a playbook where the plays are conceptually related, but some plays need sudo and others don’t. For example, I have a deployment playbook with three plays:

  1. With sudo: install prereq packages
  2. As regular user: checkout code from repository
  3. With sudo: restart services

Take care,
