Playbook to create multiple user directories based on user input passed in from playbook execution

Hello all,

I have a playbook which creates sftp user accounts based on information passed during playbook execution. I would like to create multiple directories based on what the user running the playbook enters.

  • name: Create subdirectories
    path: /storage/{{ prod_or_test }}/sftp/{{ obfusicatedusername }}/{{ dirs }}
    state: directory
    recurse: yes
    owner: ‘{{ obfusicatedusername }}’
    group: sftp_admins

I pass the information via: --extra-vars: obfusicatedusername=testy123 password=mypassword prod_or_test=TEST_SFTP dirs=Inbound

The issue is some sftp users want more than 1 directory, while others want 2 or more…

I know I could do something like:

  - /srv/www
  - /dir/foo
  - /dir/bar

 Just not sure how to handle that if sometimes it could be one, other times 2 or more. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.