pipe_once lookup plugin -- missing from 1.3?

I’m finally making the move from 1.1 => 1.3 , and refactoring an awful lot of automation playbooks to take advantage of the consistency and built in role inheritance. We’ve come across an area where we’d benefit from a cached pipe lookup. There was a pipe_once, once … is this gone in the latest ansible? A cursory look over /lib/ansible/runners/lookup_plugins did not reveal any trace.

Many thanks,

~ Brice

pipe_once never worked and was removed because of it.

The reason being is in the multiprocessing code if you are talking to 10 systems at once it will evaluate 10 different times.

Awww shucks! I actually planned to use the caching code from pipe_once as a model for caching REST api calls in the dnsmadeeasy module for the duration of an ansible runtime. There’s two hard things in computer science; naming things and cache invalidation :wink:

~ Brice

I have always heard that as:

“There’s two hard things in computer science; naming things, cache invalidation, and off by one errors!”


There are two hard things in computer scence: naming things, concurrency, cache invalidation and concurrency and I’m forgetting the other 3.