Hello evreyone,
Im a newbie to awx ansible project, can you tell me please where can i find the log of failed job because i followed this tutorial : https://www.howtoforge.com/ansible-awx-guide-basic-usage-and-configuration/ which is use the “ping” module to check whether the remote host is reachable via SSH connection, im totally sure about the setup of the inventories, hosts and credentials, In addition to that, it’s succeed when i use this job ( ping module ) in case of localhost?
Mohamed Amine Jarboui.
You should be able to locate the logging for failed jobs in console logs for the AWX containers. Use below command to see the logs
docker logs <container_name>
You will be able to access the container name by executing the “docker ps” command.
Hope this is helpful !
Thanks for your reply, but i still can’t run the ping 'module on the remote host , the job is failed !, thanks.
Check this out: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/22745
Sounds like my experience trying to get AWX/Ansible working
Quick Summary:
Issue caused by ‘ansible’ userid on client computers needs a file called ’ ~/.ssh/config’ with the contents:
Host *
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
AddKeysToAgent yes
Then run ‘chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config’ (should be owned by ‘ansible’ obviously)
Now the ping connectivity works
Geoffrey Mills
Thanks for your reply, when i ping the ansible host with the ad_hoc command it's works ( not using the ui of awx), but when i use the module "ping" in awx doesn't works,how can i overcame this problem? thanks.
Mohamed Amine Jarboui.
Can you increase verbosity of the logs in AWX UI when launching AD-HOC job , and share that ? That might help more.