Patching using local repository

I am thinking about pointing Ansible to my local repository for updates. How do I accomplish the task? And more importantly, is pointing Ansible to local repository the right way to design Ansible patching architect?

I am thinking about pointing Ansible to my local repository for updates. How do I accomplish the task? And more importantly, is pointing Ansible to local repository the right way to design Ansible patching architect?

What repositories? And updates for what?
OS updates, ansible updates, software updates?

Also, what do you mean by "design Ansible patching architect"?

Please give some more information.

Hi Dick
What repositories? And updates for what? Centos repository. OS and security updates

Also, what do you mean by “design Ansible patching architect”? when I say design Ansible patching architect I meant the way I am planning to set up patching so Ansible pointing to a local repository, instead of a regular repository makes sense. The reason I am thinking about pointing Ansible to the local repository is because our Ansible clients don’t have access to the internet.

use the yum and yum repository modules to do this. With the yum repository module you point your servers to the web servers that host the rpms. If you google around you can find guides on how to create a yum repository. The biggest thing is too make sure your servers are not that far from the yum repo. For example, my DC is in Atlanta and my yum repo is in Japan.