Parsing Error

I’ve been using the below task successfully for a while, and then I just updated ansible (it was probably 3 weeks stale) and now the user_data line below gets a parsing error.

  • name: Launch New Server Instances
    local_action: ec2

register: instres
with_items: ${instances}

TASK: [Launch New Server Instances] *********************
failed: [] => (item={‘instance’: ‘t1.micro’, ‘image’: ‘ami-3d4ff254’, ‘type’: ‘app’, ‘name’: ‘app1’}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“image”: “ami-3d4ff254”, “instance”: “t1.micro”, “name”: “app1”, “type”: “app”}, “parsed”: false}

If I comment it out the task works. “-v -v -v” doesn’t add any extra info.

Can you test this with ./hacking/test-module locally and see if you
get more info?

On another note -- parsed errors should always output what data they
get back when errors are recieved so we need to fix this bug. It is
probably crashing with a python error and not reporting stderr
correctly all the way up the stack.

Let us know more info and we can figure out how to fix error reporting
more properly in this case also.

My mistake. Accidentally added a character in the ec2 file when I was looking at the changes and before i synced it over to my server. I figured it was the playbook file with the parse error and not the module itself.

Yeah, I still think remote tracebacks out to work out a little better.
I'll take a look at it.

Glad it wasn't something else.