I looked at the code in ssh.py, and I don’t understand why you don’t take /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2 under consideration when deciding if the host is in known_hosts. The only file that is taken under consideration is $USER/.ssh/known_hosts.
Do you think that including standard locations is a good idea?
def not_in_host_file(self, host):
host_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(“~${USER}/.ssh/known_hosts”))
if not os.path.exists(host_file):
print “previous known host file not found”
return True
When I run a playbook on 10 nodes, they are definitely running serially as I see large delays between results coming back on each node. I also tried setting serial: 10 in the actual playbook.
Hi Vincent, could you share a sample of the playbook you’re running as well as the results of running it with -f1, -f2 and -f4? That should determine if the playbook is indeed being serialized at some point.
Do note, however, if you’re doing something like this:
local_action: ec2 …
you will see serialized performance. This is caused by the fact that each pass through with_* loops must complete on all hosts before the next loop begins, and with local_action you’d only be executing on a single host (localhost), so this would constrain the playbook to a serial-like performance.
Ansible does read ~/.ssh/known_hosts because it needs to know whether to lock itself down to 1 process to ask you the question about adding a new hosts to known_hosts.
This only happens when it detects a host isn’t already there, because it must detect this before SSH asks.
And this only happens with -c ssh, -c paramiko has it’s own handling (and it’s own issues, I prefer the SSH implementation if folks have a new enough SSH to use ControlPersist).
Vincent, I now use a slightly different workaround. Instead of routing known_hosts to /dev/null I route it to a temp file. This keeps the EC2 noise out of my default known_hosts file, and seems to play well with ansible.
Host *.amazonaws.com
PasswordAuthentication no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /tmp/ec2_known_hosts
User ec2-user
I took it that Vincent was referring to my message of 2013-09-12. In that post I mentioned using /dev/null for the ssh UserKnownHostsFile configuration key, scoped to Host *.amazonaws.com
This configuration triggers single-threaded behavior from ansible because ssh never stores any record of connecting to the EC2 hosts: not the first time, not ever. Because known_hosts is /dev/null.
Ansible does not find your known hosts location from ~/.ssh/config on a per host basis and does read your ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
It does this because it needs to know, in advance of SSH asking, whether it needs to lock.
Assume it’s running at 50/200 forks and needs to ask a question interactively, that’s why it needs to know.
So if you are saying use known_hosts in a different file, that may be EXACTLY the problem. With host key checking on, and the data going elsewhere, it can’t be found, and ansible is locking pre-emptively.
I’m wondering if we can detect configuration of alternative known_hosts locations in the ~/.ssh/config and issue a warning, which should be able to key people in to turn off the checking feature.
Reading the SSH config to pick up the correct known_hosts locations (and perhaps setting ‘host_key_checking’ to false if the location is ‘/dev/null’ since that’s a common pattern - for instance, Vagrant does this by default, see https://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/cli/ssh_config.html )
A simple warning message when serialization is triggered due to known_hosts in order to save folks from some really tough debugging
Just lost a few hours debugging this issue. For several environments, I have a client’s known_hosts locations set to custom locations in their SSH config, so everything was running serially (a 3 minute process * 20 servers = 60 minutes!). Persistence and sweat finally lead me to try “host_key_checking = False” and it finally ran in parallel - was so nice to finally see since I’d tried just about everything else I could imagine (forks, serial, ssh options, restructuring inventory, removing inventory groups, etc).