override variable from outside role

Greetings Ansible users!

I have a role “nftables” that is assigned to all nodes in my inventory. It has a variable ‘forward_policy’ that has a default value:

$ cat roles/nftables/defaults/main.yaml
forward_policy: drop

I’d like to have another role (applied only to my router system) that can override that variable:

$ cat roles/router/vars/main.yaml
forward_policy: accept

I don’t know how to override the variable in the nftables role from within the router role. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for any help!


PS. Here is are my current playbooks:

├── nftables
│ ├── defaults
│ │ └── main.yaml
│ ├── files
│ │ └── etc
│ │ ├── nftables.conf
│ │ └── nftables.conf.d
│ │ └── 000-flush-ruleset.nft
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yaml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yaml
│ └── templates
│ └── etc
│ └── nftables.conf.d
│ └── 050-default-chains.nft.j2
└── router
├── files
│ └── etc
│ └── nftables.conf.d
│ └── 070-default-nat-table.nft
├── tasks
│ ├── main.yaml
│ └── nftables_nat_table.yaml
└── vars
└── main.yaml

17 directories, 10 files

And the contents:

│ File: hosts.yaml
1 │ ungrouped:
2 │ hosts:
3 │ zed:
4 │
5 │ router:
6 │ hosts:
7 │ zed:
│ File: roles/nftables/defaults/main.yaml
1 │ forward_policy: drop
│ File: roles/nftables/files/etc/nftables.conf
1 │ #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
2 │
3 │ include “/etc/nftables.conf.d/*.nft”
│ File: roles/nftables/files/etc/nftables.conf.d/000-flush-ruleset.nft
1 │ flush ruleset
│ File: roles/nftables/handlers/main.yaml
1 │ -
2 │ name: restart nftables
3 │ service:
4 │ name: nftables
5 │ state: restarted

│ File: roles/nftables/tasks/main.yaml
1 │ —
2 │ # This playbook contains plays to configure nftables.
3 │
4 │ -
5 │ name: enable service nftables
6 │ service:
7 │ name: nftables
8 │ enabled: yes
9 │
10 │ -
11 │ name: configure nftables.conf
12 │ copy:
13 │ src: files/etc/nftables.conf
14 │ dest: /etc/nftables.conf
15 │ tags:
16 │ - nftables
17 │ notify: restart nftables
18 │
19 │ -
20 │ name: configure nftables.conf.d
21 │ copy:
22 │ src: files/etc/nftables.conf.d
23 │ dest: /etc
24 │ tags:
25 │ - nftables
26 │ notify: restart nftables
27 │
28 │ -
29 │ name: configure nftables.conf.d/050-default-chains.nft
30 │ template:
31 │ src: etc/nftables.conf.d/050-default-chains.nft.j2
32 │ dest: /etc/nftables.conf.d/050-default-chains.nft
33 │ tags:
34 │ - nftables
35 │ notify: restart nftables
│ File: roles/nftables/templates/etc/nftables.conf.d/050-default-chains.nft.j2
1 │ table inet filter {
2 │ chain input {
3 │ type filter hook input
4 │ priority 0;
5 │ policy accept;
6 │ }
7 │ chain forward {
8 │ type filter hook forward
9 │ priority 0;
10 │ policy {{ forward_policy }};
11 │ }
12 │ chain output {
13 │ type filter hook output
14 │ priority 0;
15 │ policy accept;
16 │ }
17 │ }
│ File: roles/router/files/etc/nftables.conf.d/070-default-nat-table.nft
1 │ table inet nat {
2 │ chain postrouting {
3 │ type nat hook postrouting
4 │ priority srcnat;
5 │ }
6 │
7 │ chain prerouting {
8 │ type nat hook prerouting
9 │ priority dstnat;
10 │ }
11 │ }
│ File: roles/router/tasks/main.yaml
1 │ —
2 │ # This playbook contains plays to configure the router.
3 │
4 │ -
5 │ include_tasks: nftables_nat_table.yaml
│ File: roles/router/tasks/nftables_nat_table.yaml
1 │ —
2 │ # This playbook contains plays to add nat table for nftables.
3 │
4 │ -
5 │ name: configure nftables nat table
6 │ copy:
7 │ src: files/etc/nftables.conf.d/070-default-nat-table.nft
8 │ dest: /etc/nftables.conf.d/070-default-nat-table.nft
9 │ tags:
10 │ - router
11 │ notify: restart nftables
│ File: roles/router/vars/main.yaml
1 │ forward_policy: accept
│ File: site.yaml
1 │ —
2 │ -
3 │ name: apply common configuration to all nodes
4 │ hosts: all
5 │ roles:
6 │ - nftables
7 │
8 │ -
9 │ name: apply router configurations
10 │ hosts: router
11 │ roles:
12 │ - router

$ cat roles/nftables/defaults/main.yaml
forward_policy: drop

$ cat roles/router/vars/main.yaml
forward_policy: accept

I don't know how to override the variable in the nftables role from within
the router role.

Is it possible to minimize the example?

tree .

├── hosts
├── pb.yml
└── roles
    ├── nftables
    │ ├── defaults
    │ │ └── main.yml
    │ └── tasks
    │ └── main.yml
    └── router
        ├── tasks
        │ └── main.yml
        └── vars
            └── main.yml

cat roles/nftables/defaults/main.yml

forward_policy: drop

cat roles/nftables/tasks/main.yml

- debug:
    var: forward_policy

cat roles/router/vars/main.yml

forward_policy: accept

cat roles/router/tasks/main.yml

- debug:
    var: forward_policy

cat hosts


cat pb.yml

- hosts: all
    - nftables

- hosts: router
    - router

Running the playbook gives

ansible-playbook pb.yml

PLAY [all] *****************************

TASK [nftables : debug] ****************
ok: [zed] =>
  forward_policy: drop

PLAY [router] **************************

TASK [router : debug] ******************
ok: [zed] =>
  forward_policy: accept

Does this reproduce your problem? If yes what do you expect?

Hi Vladimir,

$ cat roles/nftables/defaults/main.yaml
forward_policy: drop

$ cat roles/router/vars/main.yaml
forward_policy: accept

I don’t know how to override the variable in the nftables role from within
the router role.

Is it possible to minimize the example?

tree .
├── hosts
├── pb.yml
└── roles
├── nftables
│ ├── defaults
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── router
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── vars
└── main.yml

cat roles/nftables/defaults/main.yml
forward_policy: drop
cat roles/nftables/tasks/main.yml

  • debug:
    var: forward_policy

cat roles/router/vars/main.yml
forward_policy: accept
cat roles/router/tasks/main.yml

  • debug:
    var: forward_policy

cat hosts
cat pb.yml

  • hosts: all

  • nftables

  • hosts: router

  • router

Running the playbook gives

ansible-playbook pb.yml

PLAY [all] *****************************

TASK [nftables : debug] ****************
ok: [zed] =>
forward_policy: drop

I would like forward_policy to be “accept” for the nftables role - since I want the “router” role to affect how a j2 template gets set in the “nftables” role.

PLAY [router] **************************

TASK [router : debug] ******************
ok: [zed] =>
forward_policy: accept

So, I’d like to be able to modify a variable in one role from a different role.

Or perhaps have a global variable that can bet set to a default value in the role “nftables”, but overridden in the role “router”.

Thanks for the help!


> PLAY [all] *****************************
> TASK [nftables : debug] ****************
> ok: [zed] =>
> forward_policy: drop

I would like forward_policy to be "accept" for the nftables role ...
I want the "router" role to affect ... "nftables" role.

Create task that will "instantiate" the variable *forward_policy*

cat roles/router/tasks/instantiate_vars.yml

- set_fact:
    forward_policy: "{{ forward_policy }}"
  when: forward_policy is defined

and run it in the first play *pre_tasks*

cat pb.yml

- hosts: all
    - include_role:
        name: router
        tasks_from: instantiate_vars
      run_once: true
    - nftables

- hosts: router
    - router

Hi Vladamir,

Thanks for all your help. Unfortunately the variables (and how and where they are being set) just aren’t working the way I am expecting. I’ll punt for now and just set the variable in the hosts.yaml file.

Very appreciative of your time and energy.



There are many other options on how to override defaults.
The solution might be simple if you provide the detail. See

I did not fully understand the problem, but might worth having a look at variable precedence https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_variables.html#understanding-variable-precedence

I did not fully understand the problem, but might worth having a look at
variable precedence

The problem is as follows: You have two roles and want to override
defaults in the first role by the variables from the second role.

The precedence of variables is a substantial part of the solution. It
is not sufficient though. There might be more solutions depending on
the use-case's details. An option might be creating the below task in
the second role

  > cat roles/role2/tasks/instantiate_vars.yml
  - set_fact:
      var1_common: "{{ var1_common }}"
    when: var1_common is defined

and "instantiate" the variable(s) before you run the first role. This
way *set_fact* (precedence 19.) overrides the roles' defaults
(precedence 2.)

  > cat pb.yml
  - hosts: all
      - include_role:
          name: role2
          tasks_from: instantiate_vars
        run_once: true
      - role1


* You don't have to include or import *instantiate_vars.yml* in role2.
* You can "instantiate* more variables.
* You have to keep in mind the limitation of this solution. Only
  precedence 20.-22. are left to override such "instantiated"

Have you considered the following?

This is not a solution to the problem:

  You have two roles and want to override defaults in the first role
  by the variables from the second role.