outputting result of boto call

Writing my first module, first python, first use of boto.
Running my module via test-module, almost works, but to troubleshoot I need to see what a boto call is returning.

My boto call below. How can I “print” gacg without test-module complaining it’s not json?

gacg = c.get_all_customer_gateways(customer_gateway_ids=None, filters=None, dry_run=False)

You could use a debugger just after that line by including the following
import pdb

and then print gacg at the debug point

Or if you’re just trying to see what it’s returning for development purposes, module.exit_json(**gacg) assuming gacg is a dict (and module.fail_json(msg=gacg) should work otherwise)

Cpl things, if you’re planning to contribute, it should be boto3 not boto that you use. And for module dev this is a ‘trick’ that I use is to code like this

def main():
if ‘–interactive’ in sys.argv:

early import the module and reset the complex args

import ansible.module_utils.basic
ansible.module_utils.basic.MODULE_COMPLEX_ARGS = json.dumps(dict(

module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict(
param1=dict(required=True, type=‘str’),
param2=dict(required=False, type=‘str’),
state=dict(required=True, type=‘str’),


Simply place that right below def main() and make sure to still instantiate your AnsibleModule() object below just like above

then you can execute the module directly via

python modulefile.py --interactive

And now you can do print style debugging or any other output based debug stuff, including Will’s suggestion