I have this:
register: jsonformat
- debug: var=jsonformat
- local_action: shell echo {{ jsonformat }} > output
The json in console is displayed fine from debug action but the output file is not a valid json. It has some escape and unicode values. How can i output a valid json document to a file from a variable?
thx in advance.
Use “{{ jsonformat|to_json }}” to force the format to json.
Sample test:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
foo: ‘{“a”: [1,2,“3”]}’
- shell: echo “{{ foo|to_json }}” > /tmp/output
After running:
$ cat /tmp/output:
{“a”: [1,2,“3”]}
It’s working fine. Thanks a lot.
the issue was probably the lack of quotes as unquoted json and shell don’t mix well, you can probably ignore the to_json.