Hi, i’d like to know is it possible to run ansible for configuration management against oracle instances (that is not hosts, but tnsnames).
I see it like supplying a list of tns names or tns-addresess with plsql-scripts to perform . So that doesn’t require ssh and could be performed from ansible master )
Maybe the same could be done for HTTP, SMTP, telnet ?
Or such a thing is out of the ansible scope ?
Sounds like this should just be a module instead, like the other database modules, and should not be a connection?
afaik tnsnames.ora on any server still would let you execute sqlplus using ansible’s shell: module. An oracle module might make this much cleaner/nicer.
For http you have the get_uri module, for smtp the mail module, not sure what you want to do with telnet.
As i get it, Ansible deals around hosts. But only connection in question ) The single host does make all the outgoing oracle connections to other hosts.
Or i get it wrong?
It CAN, but not necessarily. Most plugins execute AT the target host, unless you use connection: local or local_action: or delegate_to:, the 2 first always run on host you execute ansible from (aka master), the 3rd on any host you enter, including the master.Some plugins are or have a ‘action_plugin’ which always executes on the master.
You can implement the behavior you describe any of these ways, but this is not a MUST, just an option.