OS X 'pkg' module?

Is there any kind of effort underway to produce a ‘pkg’ module for Mac OS X installers like ‘yum’ or ‘apt’?

I’m not sure if that would count as ‘extra’ or ‘core’. If nobody else has started anything like that, I may just give it a whirl :slight_smile:

Hi John,

There are homebrew and macport modules in extra.

As far as I know [Nix](https://nixos.org/nix/) package manager runs on
Mac OS X as well but there is no module for Nix in ansible yet.

-- Best, Igor

Hi Igor. I didn’t mean to retrieve packages, but to install them. If I have an RPM file, I can ‘yum: name=/path/to/file.rpm state=present’ I’d like to do the same thing with an Apple .pkg file… ‘pkg: name=/path/to/file.pkg state=present’ and have that file actually installed. I see there’s a ‘pkgin’ for “SmartOS”, whatever that is; and a ‘pkgng’ for FreeBSD and ‘pkgutil’ for Solaris, but nothing for Apple OS X.

Hi John,

Apparently you are talking about a tool like `rpm` or `dpkg`, I think
a Mac equivalent would be [installer](
and I haven't saw such modules so far.

-- Best, Igor