os_server module

I am facing something strange with the OS_SERVER module.
Also I was not able to specify the domain in auth.
Below is the code snipet

  • os_server:
    state: present
    auth_url: https://xxxx/v3.0/
    username: xxxx
    password: xxxx
    project_name: xxxx
    name: test_instance
    availability_zone: AZ0
    image: “Ubuntu 14.04 trusty 64”
    key_name: workstation
    timeout: 200
    flavor: m1.medium
    security_groups: default
    validate_certs: no
    auto_floating_ip: yes

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “extra_data”: null, “failed”:true, “msg”: “Error fetching server list: Error getting compute endpoint: The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404)”}

Yeah - if you’re v3 passing in domain is important. When you add user_domain_id and project_domain_id - what error do you get? (you have to pass in both)

I will try tomorroz