os_nova_flavor does not update a flavor if it already exists...


I’m trying to update the default OpenStack flavors, by using “os_nova_flavor” but, it does not update the flavors settings if it already exists…

Is there any way to force it to update the flavors?

A workaround is to first, delete the flavors, and then, create it again. But this is bad because every time I run Ansible, it will delete and recreate the flavors over and over again.

My intention is to update the flavors, only if it is different. For example:

The Nova API does not have any way to update flavors. Because of this, the Ansible
module does not support updating.

Mmm… Interesting…

How it is done via Horizon? Since I can manually update the flavors via Web GUI…

Don’t you think that Shade / Ansible can somehow, mimic Horizon “flavor update feature”?

Looks to me like horizon just does a delete/create. So it’s the same as your workaround.


I just realized that someone could probably add the logic to compare the current flavor
and the parameters and, if different, do the delete/create to simulate the update. I’d be
happy to merge such a change if you wanted to propose it. I could add it to my list of
changes to do, but it would be low priority.

Raised a PR for this issue - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/37170