Order of Execution: tasks vs notify

What you are doing is a very non-idempotent setup module, so there's
really no point to your usage of handlers.

I would find it much better to template out the /etc/apache2/.htdigestUser file.

I'd use the template module and remove the shell logic because without
a "creates=" the shell module is always going to return changed and if
you run it again, you're going to keep adding lines to that file,
seems quite undesirable.

Thank you! This is what I wanted to hear “What you are doing is a very non-idempotent setup module, so there’s
really no point to your usage of handlers.”

"… you’re going to keep adding lines to that file… " - That was my intended use for this playbook for a shared server. But then again based on what you just said I’ll take a look and see if templating does the job and keep the group posted.