openssl genrsa require password in ansible script

when I run below mentioned commands to generate RSA and csr in linux prompt , its require a password (Enter pass phrase for pradeep.key) and mention there “abc” password. Please do let me know how to capture this password in ansible script. When I mention -des3 then its require the password and its mandatory part.

  1. openssl genrsa -des3 -out pradeep.key 2048
  2. openssl req -new -key pradeep.key -out pradeepcsr.csr -config set.txt
  3. openssl pkcs12 -export -out pradeep.p12 -inkey pradeep.key -in cert.pem

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Enter pass phrase for pradeep.key:
Verifying - Enter pass phrase for pradeep.key:

I mentioned below ansible script :

command: openssl genrsa
-out “/app/ex.key” 2048

command: openssl req
-subj ‘/C=US/ST=Florida/L=atlanta View/O=xx/CN=abc’
-key “/app/ex.key”
-out “/app/ex.csr”

Secondly, can we do this part with any ansible module, I tried with openssl_privatekey but its not cover all above details.


Did you have issue generating your keys and csr via the openssl modules?

Because the following should correspond to your case (and work with ansible >=2.4):


  • openssl_privatekey:
    path: /app/ex.key
    passphrase: abcd
    cipher: des3
    size: 2048

  • openssl_csr:
    path: /app/ex.csr
    privatekey_path: /app/ex.key
    privatekey_passphrase: abcd
    common_name: abc
    state_or_province_name: Florida
    locality_name: atlanta View
    organization_name: xx
    country_name: US

If you really want to go the other route, take a look at the expect module (link)
Below is an example:


  • expect:
    command: openssl genrsa -des3 -out /tmp/pradeep.key 2048
    Enter pass phrase: abcd

The questions are by default quite fuzzy so in this case we’re using it as a substring (matches both: "Enter pass phrase for " and “Verifying - Enter pass phrase for”)

No modules are yet available in the release version for pkcs12 management.
You may need to go the expect route or use the OpenSSL’s passin/passout options

PS: There is also a module available in the devel branch if you want to try out

  • SDE

Thanks for your response.

I tried with expect module but getting below mentioned error

“msg”: “The pexpect python module is required”


As the documentation and the message say you need install the python module pexpect on the host(s).