Opening an SSH terminal based on Ansible inventory

Hey all,

Is there an Ansible plugin that would allow me to open a plain old SSH terminal to one of the nodes in my Ansible inventory? I’d rather manage only one inventory (Ansible’s) than two (Ansible + ssh config).

Please don’t tell me that logging in is the “wrong way”. I understand where that would be coming from, and I’m not looking to have that discussion :wink:



If you don’t want to “double the effort”, you could try using Ansible inventory plugin that uses ~/.ssh/config as it’s source:

And interactive shell on your server is definitely a very useful thing while developing your playbook. :slight_smile:

Here’s a related thing:

Thank you both!

I’ll see how far I can get with

This is partly about not doubling the effort, indeed. But I also want to be able to jump on any node without too much fuss. So having an up to date SSH config makes sense to me.
