Odd Problem With Jenkins WAR Running Ansible Task

Hi all!

I have been loving Ansible for system configuration management. I have also been enjoying Jenkins for CI. I have a particularly odd problem, however, that I was hoping someone more familiar with Ansible might be able to help me with (I posted about this Here as well: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33248334/obscure-failure-in-simple-ansible-template-from-jenkins):

  • I am running Jenkins via Tomcat7 on a development machine. Because of firewall rules in-place, having Jenkins available via port 8080 was mandatory, and there is already a substantial commitment to Tomcat7 on that machine. It seemed like running Jenkins from a WAR satisfied those constraints.

  • From Jenkins, I am trying to run the following using it’s “Invoke Shell” build mechanism. I also tried the “Ansible Plugin” and pointed the appropriate fields at the files referenced in this below command-line:
    ansible-playbook -vvvv -i ${WORKSPACE}/local-host ${WORKSPACE}/site.yml

‘/bin/bash’ in Jenkins’ shell now, it was ‘/bin/sh’. Neither shells have different behavior with respect to my issue.

  • My site.yml:

can the tomcat user sudo to root? are you supplying a password?