Not being able to upload new versions of role - galaxy new feature or bug?

Hi @tannerjc

Thankyou for that. If I’ve understood this right I don’t need to be going into the UI and publishing versions? Merely an import on the role is enough?

If the latter is the case I’m not seeing that happen at present. eg:
in Github we had 0.0.13 pushed out circa 5 hours ago; Galaxy has only the previous 0.0.12 there Galaxy NG

We’ve done a fair few imports in the last 5 hours on CI but just to be safe I’ve run one manually, which downloaded 0.0.12 ok and never triggered an update to 0.0.13 in Galaxy. I deleted the venv and also attempted to download 0.0.13 in the hope that would also trigger the pull, but that blew up with the error below

consensys.lighthouse was NOT installed successfully: - the specified version (0.0.13) of consensys.lighthouse was not found in the list of available versions ([{'id': 'bfb1a08f-78fb-429f-8cef-0eb2b757d9d3', 'name':
'0.0.1', 'version': '0.0.1', 'created': '2023-07-11T11:44:09.367311Z', 'modified': '2023-07-11T11:44:09 ........   {'id': '46d0a1b8-10e7-4e4b-8450-a666eac93acb', 'name': '0.0.12', 'version': '0.0.12', 'created': '2023-09-22T02:55:20.667041Z', 'modified':
'2023-09-22T02:55:20.667069Z', 'commit_date': '2023-09-21T22:54:39-04:00', 'commit_sha': 'efdfb729e0b5dd0bb3e3b33870bbcaa7a19b66d0', 'download_url': ''}]).

So am really not quite sure how I update a published role atm. Should I just set the src to pull from github directly? While this can be done for us, it’d probably affect all users of any consumers in the public

Appreciate you looking into this
