Not able to configure server using Ansible Dynamic Inventory

I am using dynamic inventory for provisioning with ansible. I have placed the in /etc/ansible/hosts file and marked it executable. I also have the ec2.ini file in /etc/ansible/hosts.


regions = us-west-2 regions_exclude = us-gov-west-1,cn-north-1

destination_variable = public_dns_name

vpc_destination_variable = ip_address route53 = False

all_instances = True all_rds_instances = False

cache_path = ~/.ansible/tmp

cache_max_age = 0

nested_groups = False group_by_instance_id = True group_by_region = True group_by_availability_zone = True group_by_ami_id = True group_by_instance_type = True group_by_key_pair = True group_by_vpc_id = True group_by_security_group = True group_by_tag_keys = True group_by_tag_none = True group_by_route53_names = True group_by_rds_engine = True group_by_rds_parameter_group = True

Above is my ec2.ini file

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: yes
   - ../group_vars/dev_vpc
   - ../group_vars/dev_sg
   - ../hosts_vars/ec2_info
    instance_type: t2.micro
   - name: Provisioning EC2 instance
     module: ec2
     region: "{{ region }}"
     key_name: "{{ key }}"
     instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
     image: "{{ ami_id }}"
     wait: yes
     group_id: ["{{ sg_npm }}", "{{sg_ssh}}"]
     vpc_subnet_id: "{{ PublicSubnet }}"
     source_dest_check: false
     instance_tags: '{"Name": "EC2", "Environment": "Development"}'
 register: ec2
  - name: associate new EIP for the instance
      module: ec2_eip
      region: "{{ region }}"
      instance_id: "{{ }}"
      with_items: ec2.instances
  - name: Waiting for NPM Server to come-up
      module: wait_for
      host: "{{ ec2 }}"
      state: started
      delay: 5
      timeout: 200
 - include: ec2-configure.yml

Now the configuring script is as follows

- name: Configure EC2 server
  hosts: tag_Name_EC2
  user: ec2-user
  sudo: True
  gather_facts: True
   - name: Install nodejs related packages
     yum: name={{ item }} enablerepo=epel state=present
      - nodejs
      - npm

However when the configure script is called, the second script results into no hosts found. If I execute the ec2-configure.yml just alone and if the EC2 server is up & running then it is able to find it and configure it.

I added the wait_for to make sure that the instance is in running state before the ec2-configure.yml is called.

Would appreciate if anyone can point my error. Thanks

The inventory script is only invoked at the beginning of the playbook run.

You'll have to call your provisioning and configure playbooks separately,
or use add_host ( to update
the inventory in memory after you have provisioned a host.

Thank you for the reply Chris,
I would appreciate if you can provide an example of how we can do the in-memory inventory update. Thank you