No more remote python-jinja2 dependencies -- all templating now happens on the ansible control machine

New feature – all tempting now happens on the LOCAL machine, meaning python-jinja2 is no longer a remote dependency.
This should open up usage on legacy RHEL/CentOS machines that do not have the advantage of pulling python-jinja2 from EPEL
but still want to make use of Ansible templates.

This means all you need on the remote machines are:

python 2.4 or higher + python-simplejson


python 2.6 or higher (because it includes a json module by default)

Templates will all be run on the control machine in Ansible 0.0.3 (out Monday).

I will update the docs to match!

Coupled with the built-in facts available, dependencies for a fully functional setup (templating+facts) are now very much reduced
to next to nothing.
