No epoch or seconds in windows facts ? How can i generate unique strings ?

Here is a small part of windows facts:

“ansible_facts”: {
“ansible_architecture”: “64-bit”,
“ansible_date_time”: {
“date”: “13.07.2016”,
“day”: “13”,
“hour”: “06”,
“iso8601”: “2016-07-13T06:34:29”,
“minute”: “34”,
“month”: “07”,
“year”: “2016”

Unlike facts for linux hosts, this does not have epoch or even seconds info ? This is a bit strange for me. Is there a way i can force it to collect that ?

What i am trying is to check if the current user has read/write access on certain drive. I was trying to create a file with unique name on the location and for that i need some sort of unique string.

Seconds are at the end of the iso8601 string. I use the iso8601 for one playbook where I need a unique string on volume snapshots.

I used a windows command to get the date:

get-date -format dd-MM-yyyy_HH_mm_ss_fff

So, to make a unique folder in windows, use:

mkdir $(get-date -format dd-MM-yyyy_HH_mm_ss_fff)