I am a newbie linux administrator. I am researching CM tools. I really liked ansiable but my clients are user machines and will be offline most of times. I also need provisioning my cloned machines from golden image, so i need some agent based pull approach. I read about ansible-pull (also offical docs). It sounds good but why do i copy reposity to client (and even inventory “name: Copy ansible inventory file to client” in script from ansiable_pull.yml). My idea is just to cron to make a “request”, after that, all role or playbooks related that host should be auto “pushed” from server to client. Same is true for provisioning, i can manually add (or automate outside) my host to my inventory after that when my init script runs on client just requests “provision_me” playbook.
Could you clearify my mind or suggest ideas based on my needs?
Best regards,