new warning in Ansible 2.3

The warning is:

[WARNING]: when statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}.

Not sure how to avoid it in the below case. Any hint ?

See Sorry for commenting in a closed issue

consider the following variable:

  - name: 'adm'
    remove: False 
  - name: 'ftp'
    remove: True
  - name: 'games'
    remove: False  
  - name: 'gopher'
    remove: True
  - name: 'operator'
    remove: False
  - name: 'uucp'
    remove: True

then the following tasks generate the warning. Not sure how to avoid it as is the result of iteration on the list

name: Get users list 
   database: passwd
   - userdel

- name: Make sure the following users are removed
   name: "{{ []( }}"
   state: absent 
   remove: "{{item.remove}}"
 with_items: '{{ to_be_removed_users }}'
 when: getent_passwd.{{ []( }} is defined
   - userdel

Not sure how to avoid it in the below case. Any hint ?

I often find it helps to use the more Pythonic expression of the
variables, thing['foo'][bar], so you can tell that 'foo' is a literal
string and bar is a variable, rather than the sloppy, where
you can't.

So instead of

  when: getent_passwd.{{ }} is defined


  when: getent_passwd[item['name']] is defined

I'm not 100% sure that's the problem you're having, but if it is, does
that work?

                                      -Josh (

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Technically, while what you have there worked, it’s not recommended.

Instead what you want, is something like:

when: hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘getent_passwd’][] is defined

Or potentially:

when: vars[‘getent_passwd’][‘’] is defined

When you use {{ }} a jinja2 statement, it can create unintended consequences, because the when statement and the {{ }} you put in the when statement are evaluated at different times, and can actually cause Undefined errors.

Yeah, or what Josh said too :slight_smile:

Thanks Matt and Josh

using the below works perfectly

when: getent_passwd[item[‘name’]] is defined

So this addressed the warning ansible2.3.0 was reporting and
I also got a better understanding about why to avoid jinja in when statement
