New Tenable Nessus Agent Collection

Hi there! I guess this is the main Ansible Forum haha (or at least this is where I’ve asked some questions on the past)
After some time internally developing, working and using it , I have decided to publish a collection for Tenable API with which you can interact with the vast majority of endpoints from Tenable API (the vulnerability tool), it is ideal for security teams, remediation, systems, networks or administration, as it allows a very effective and automatic management of vulnerabilities. As indicated in the documentation, I am not a Python developer and this idea was developed mainly for internal use to automate some patching and inventory repetitive tasks I had to do, so any improvement or idea on the code is well welcome.

I hope that people or teams using Tenable and the Nessus Agent will find it very useful.
Use cases:

  • Automated vulnerability patching.
  • Secure pipeline deployments
  • Vulnerability warning on machines or networks.
  • Counting machines without agent installed
  • Create assets dynamic inventories to be easier accesed than in tenable IU.


**Tenable API: Navigate the APIs **
GitHub: GitHub - valkiriaaquatica/valkiriaaquatica.tenable: Ansible Collection to interact with Tenable Nessus Agent API, download, link operations and more
Ansible Galaxy: Ansible Galaxy


Hi and thank you for sharing your work @valkiriaaquatica!

I’m moving the thread to our newly created Collection Development category, which is specifically for this, sharing and working on collections!

Seeing you are looking for some feedback and recommended practices, you might want to check the Ansible Community Package inclusion guidelines [1], even if the collection is not included in the package, those are recommended practices that will certainly help and improve the quality.

[1] Ansible community package collections requirements — Ansible Community Documentation

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Hi @Leo thanks for moving!
Yes 100% right, even if it is not in ansible-collection repository (maybe some day haha) I followed that instructions whil building it. Just change some of the CI testing in integration but most of the other things I followed them, it’s really straight forward documentation :slight_smile:
