New installation fails on building Docker image (can't get server API version)


I am thrilled that AWX is open-source now. I am eager to try it out!

I am trying to build on a stock minimal centos7 host on AWS. I have followed the, with the addition of python-pip and vim packages.

This step is failing for me:

- name: Build sdist builder image
      http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy | default('') }}"
      https_proxy: "{{ https_proxy | default('') }}"
      no_proxy: "{{ no_proxy | default('') }}"
    path: "image_build/files"
    dockerfile: Dockerfile.sdist
    name: awx_sdist_builder
    tag: "{{ awx_version }}"
    force: true
  delegate_to: localhost

My error output from ansible:

Hey Joanna, are you sure the docker service is running on your workstation? It looks like the module is having trouble connecting to it.

As an aside, the error you are getting is from the docker_image module, the API version that it’s mentioning is just an error from the docker python module as a catch-all for just not being able to figure anything out about the running docker version.

If you are on centos 7 and already have docker installed then you should just be able to: systemctl start docker (and then possibly systemctl enable docker to have it start at boot).

Hi Matthew,

Thanks! I’ve never touched Docker before now, and I appreciate your help! Starting the Docker service was a key part of the process.:slight_smile:

had the same error here :slight_smile:

Starting the service fixed the problem for me…I just didn’t realize that Docker runs as a service.