FreeBSD 11, binary install using pkg install.
I can successfully do the initial commands:
ansible all -m ping
ansible all -a “/bin/echo hello”
So I tried a playbook for the simplest thing I could think of, install a file:
FreeBSD 11, binary install using pkg install.
I can successfully do the initial commands:
ansible all -m ping
ansible all -a “/bin/echo hello”
So I tried a playbook for the simplest thing I could think of, install a file:
Not an installation issue, its indentation and task definition issues.
The - indicates item, in this case a task, but task items must be indented inside a task: or as part of a role.
The other issue is that a task requires an action, name is a property of a task and should always be in the same block with an action.
Your playbook should look like this:
Thank you - that gets me past that hurdle.