New error for me: failed to resolve remote temporary directory from $HOME/.ansible/tmp/

I’m getting a weird new problem in Ansible.

I just did a yum update on my Centos 6.6 machine, and now Ansible is throwing errors. (I cleaned up the errors below to make it a little more readable).

fatal: [] => failed to resolve remote temporary directory from $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415296682.21-111620652195770:

mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415296682.21-111620652195770 && chmod a+rx $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415296682.21-111620652195770 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415296682.21-111620652195770
returned empty string

The funny thing is, if I run it again right away I don’t get the errors. If I wait a couple of minutes then I get the error again.

I’m using Centos 6.6
Ansible 1.6.1
Paramiko 1.7.5

I’ve tried it with the #pty=False line in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg commented out (the default) and with the comment tag removed.

I only found one other instance of this error message on google, but it was not helpful :frowning:

Any hints on what might be going on?

Followup- I don’t know why, but upgrading Ansible solved the problem. I hope this helps somebody else.