Network visualization -


Is awx issue 611 "Feature: User Story 1: “As an operator I want to visualize the connected network that I have imported into AWX as an inventory so I can use Ansible and AWX to automate tasks on my network with confidence” the same as Tower Network visualization?

As I can see in AWX git some referense to it but do not find any thing in AWX web UI.


Christer Hemgren ( said:

Is awx issue 611 "Feature: User Story 1: "As an operator I want to
visualize the connected network that I have imported into AWX as an
inventory so I can use Ansible and AWX to automate tasks on my network with
confidence" the same as Tower Network visualization?

As I can see in AWX git some referense to it but do not find any thing in
AWX web UI.

Issue's still open... work is still in progress.
