Hi there
I’ve searched for days for a clear and straight forward answer to this question.
In the following nested loop I want to use variables instead of the static values I have there.
- name: Create/assign database users to db and grant permissions
mysql_user: name={{ item[0] }} password={{ item[1] }} priv={{ item[2] }}.*:ALL state=present login_host={{ item[3] }}
- ‘john’
- ‘john1234’
- ‘sample.sql’
- [‘localhost’,‘%’]
Actually, that doesn’t even work. So I’m already stuck.
Then in my group_vars I have defined variables:
db_import: sample.sql
db_name: sample_db
db_user: john
db_password: john1234
I’ve tried all sorts of ways of using variables instead of the static values.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
" with_nested:
- ‘john’
- ‘john1234’
- ‘sample.sql’
- [‘localhost’,‘%’]
It looks like the first should be a list of usernames, and the second should be a list of files, but you are specifying strings instead – which is what you would do if those were variable names.
- [ ‘john’, ‘john1234’ ]
- [ ‘sampel.sql’]
- [ ‘localhost’, ‘%’ ]
Thanks for your help, I’ll give this a go.
This is the yaml I’m running and it’s giving an error:
- name: Create/assign database users to db and grant permissions
mysql_user: name={{ item[0] }} password={{ item[1] }} priv={{ item[2] }}.*:ALL state=present login_host={{ item[3] }}
- [ ‘john’ ]
- [ ‘john1234’ ]
- [ ‘sample.sql’ ]
- [ ‘localhost’, ‘%’ ]
It’s a database error, so nothing with “with_nested”.
Key part:
“You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘.* TO ‘john’@‘localhost’’ at line 1”
If I run this…
- name: Create/assign database user to db and grant permissions
mysql_user: name={{ item.env.db_user }}
password={{ item.env.db_password }}
priv={{ item.env.db_name | default(item.site_name) }}.*:ALL,GRANT
login_host={{ item.env.db_host | default(‘localhost’) }}
with_items: web_site
If item:env.db_host == ‘localhost’ it works.
If item:env.db_host == ‘%’ it fails.
Seems reasonable to me since that’s not a valid hostname?