needs_triage label

Hello All,

I’m researcher who studying about the Ansible labels. Could you please tell me what’s the meaning of “needs_triage” label?
The meaning on GitHub describe that “This issue/PR needs a first human triage before being processed.” but I still don’t know the meaning of it.

My question is …

  • What’s the meaning of needs_triage label?
  • Why we need a first human triage before being processed? (What’s the problem or characteristics of that pull request?)
    Thank you!

All issues get that label initially, we do have a bot assigning labels
but there are value judgement that are very hard to write into code,
so we require 'humans' to look at every new issue and confirm and/or
amend the labeling the bot has done as well as evaluate the urgency of
an issue and deal with them accordingly.

Once this evaluation has happened, the 'human' can remove the label to
confirm that the rest of the labeling is correct and does not need