[NEEDS SECOND REVIEW] Collection inclusion: include Hitachi's VSP One Storage in the Ansible community package

I’ve conducted a first review and approved the collection for inclusion.

Could anybody from the @SteeringCommittee conduct the second short review as specified in the comment? i.e. to check only the following would be enough (just copy this to a comment in the discussion and go through it):

  • follows the Ansible documentation standards and the style guide
  • follows development conventions; as well as these other requirements:
    • modules satisfy the concept of idempotency
    • modules that only gather information are named <something>_info
    • modules that return ansible_facts are named <something>_facts and do not return non-facts
    • other modules must not allow querying information using specific state option values, or similar mechanisms (like state=get or state=query). These features should be moved to <something>_info or <something>_fact modules.
    • check_mode is supported in all _info and _facts modules
