Hi all!
I already asked this question on irc, but I’m pretty sure it’s just gonna get lost there without any real reply, so I’ll try here too.
I’m trying to configure a node through netconf, passing xmls through ssh (with the -s netconf option) works perfectly, however when I do it from Ansible it doesn’t, instead return the error in the output file from this gist: https://gist.github.com/Kuvesz/cca24704c93058a9e960869a3297846a
I’m using Python 2.7 here, but I also tried with 3.6 and 3.8 just to be sure, also the only other similar issue I could find was this github issue: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/67402 where no real explanation is given sadly. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on? I would be grateful for the help!