Running Ansible - 1.9.4
I have a number of group_vars that are vaulted.
I have an inventory file, some of the hosts are in vaulted groups. Others are not. For instance I might have different roles in the Backend that need database passwords that are stored in vaulted group vars, other like FrontEnd roles do not.
When I limit my run to the hosts that do not need a vault key, I’m still prompted for a key for roles that the host is not a part of.
Both types of roles are in a common role called cloud: that has shared non-vaulted information.
ansible-playbook cloud_entry.yml --limit static-asset-servers --inventory cloud_inventory
ERROR: A vault password must be specified to decrypt /home/barrett/Git/ansible/group_vars/vault-backend.yml
The static-asset-servers hosts are not in any group that ultimately leads to the vault-backend group
Is my only solution to split my inventory into different files?
Doing this will defeat my putting the hosts in a common Cloud group though