need help on simple arrays

cat vars/users


  • username: test
    homedir: /home/test
    shell: /bin/bash
  • username: test1
    homedir: /home/test1
    shell: /bin/bash
  • username: test2
    homedir: /home/test2
    shell: /bin/bash

cat arrays.yaml

Does this help?
$ cat arrays.yml

yes, it does. Thank you.

but I have a question why I cannot use this:

“users” is an array of three things. So you have to either iterate over the array as with something like “loop:”, or index it as with “users[0][‘username’]”, “users[0][‘homedirectory’]”, “users[0][‘shell’]”, or use some sort of filter that does the iteration for you and selects list items that match some criterion. For example:

**- name: Extract matches for 'test'**  **debug:**  **msg: "User {{ item.username }} has homedirectory {{ item.homedir }} and shell {{ }}"**  **loop: "{{ users | selectattr('username', 'equalto', 'test') }}"**

produces this:

TASK [Extract matches for 'test'] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={'username': 'test', 'homedir': '/home/test', 'shell': '/bin/bash'}) => {
    "msg": "**User test has homedirectory /home/test and shell /bin/bash**"

Thank you so much, I appreciated