Not sure what "eliminate the entire child path lines" means - is that
some local jargon?
Giving actual preferred output would avoid us doing any guestimations
and/or (mis)interpretations of said jargon.
Either way, yes you're using ansible, but just it's 'shell' module as
a conveyor mechanism to execute a lot of piped shell commands.
I would suggest adding a few extra.
If any, this would avoid you dividing the text processing between the
shell and ansible.
Not sure what "eliminate the entire child path lines" means - is that
some local jargon?
Giving actual preferred output would avoid us doing any guestimations
and/or (mis)interpretations of said jargon.
Either way, yes you're using ansible, but just it's 'shell' module as
a conveyor mechanism to execute a lot of piped shell commands.
I would suggest adding a few extra.
If any, this would avoid you dividing the text processing between the
shell and ansible.
I agree, this is not related to Ansible proper. And I'm also sure that this shell command is way too complicated.