Hi Ansible Gurus ,
i have below task :
- name: RPM EPOCH Finder
#command: rpm -qa --qf ‘%|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}|\n’ {{ item.split(‘.’)[0] | regex_replace(‘-\d+’, ‘’)}}
command: rpm -qa --qf ‘%|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}|\n’ {{ item.split(‘.’)[0] | regex_replace(‘-\d+’, ‘’)}}
with_items: - “{{ my_hotfix_rpms }}”
register: r
warn: false
I am trying to get a part of RPM name (Epoch) from rpm list in a system. If Epoch is present then it prints the value otherwise prints “0”. Since this package name can have any version , so I am using regex to fetch only the name from the variable.
But I am getting an error telling it is an incomplete Jinja template .Is it because of the ternary operator used? Any idea ?