Need help for ansible Junos module

Need Help : Getting error while running ansible playbook for Junos rpc

atal: [vSRX-1]: FAILED! => {“ansible_facts”: {“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python”}, “changed”: false, “msg”: “Unsupported parameters for (junos_rpc) module: dest, format, passwd, user Supported parameters include: args, attrs, host, output, password, port, provider, rpc, ssh_keyfile, timeout, transport, username”}

Ansible Playbook

user@user-virtual-machine:/etc/ansible$ cat bgpstat.yaml

Need Help : Getting error while running ansible playbook for Junos rpc

atal: [vSRX-1]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"}, "changed": false,
"msg": "Unsupported parameters for (junos_rpc) module: dest, format, passwd, user Supported parameters include: args,
attrs, host, output, password, port, provider, rpc, ssh_keyfile, timeout, transport, username"}

The error message clearly states that you are using the wrong parameters for the junos_rpc module.
Sometimes this happens because of incorrect indentation, but that doesn't seem the problem here.
