Naming convention for remote user

Hi all,

Is there a standard username and/or UID people tend to attach to the user ansible-playbook authenticates as on the remote host? We’d like to start creating a system user with sudo privileges on all hosts that Ansible needs to manage. However, I haven’t been able to find a standard naming convention for such a user.



Hi all,

Is there a standard username and/or UID people tend to attach to the user ansible-playbook authenticates as on the remote host? We’d like to start creating a system user with sudo privileges on all hosts that Ansible needs to manage. However, I haven’t been able to find a standard naming convention for such a user.

It's not an ansible spec, it depends on the target operating systems.
I've heard "localuser", "azureuser", "awsuser, and "clouduser".


There is no 'standard', just use the user name that you think best
represents it's usage. 'ansible_user_for_automation' is taken though

I’ve used fname (First letter first name and all of the last name) and “svc.” for service accounts.
