Nagios Plugin

Can anyone please tell me a PLugin where effectively i can monitor CPU and Memory for Linux .
Appreciate your help in advance .


This is a list about Ansible not Nagios.
You should ask the Nagios community about that.

Ansible is a tool you can use to set up your monitoring tool, but itself is not a monitoring tool. It is for configuration management. There are lots of free/paid monitoring tools available. Do some research on those and pick the one you would like to implement. You can then use ansible to install it. :slight_smile:

OK , Using any ansible playbooks can we monitor CPU and Memory ?

for monitor cpu and memory think you can check in here:

for nagios plugins you can check it in here:

as stated before that ansible is configuration management tools, so think ansible just can ensure that the cpu and memory monitoring software is installed, running and configured.

best regards,