I am trying to run the following:
- name: gitlab | mysql | ensure database user gitlab has necessary privleges
mysql_user: state=present name=gitlab priv=gitlabhq_production.*:SELECT,LOCK TABLES,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,INDEX,ALTER
The “LOCK TABLES” priv is a problem though since it has a space. Is there any way around this?
TASK: [gitlab | mysql | ensure database user gitlab has necessary privileges] ***
failed: [] => {"failed": true, "item": ""}
msg: this module requires key=value arguments (['state=present', 'name=gitlab', 'priv=gitlabhq_production.*:SELECT,LOCK', 'TABLES,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,INDEX,ALTER'])
Escape the space: “LOCK\ TABLES”. The parsing is done by the python shlex module if I remember right, so this should get you past the issue.
Doh, I should have known. Thanks that worked.
An easier way do to this would be to just quote the entire string.
shlex understands quotes and is pretty smart.
Can you please cross check this
Im trying to create a user but it gets executed but the user is not getting created in my RDS mysql DB .