mysql_db won't use given password

I have not run any plays with mysql_db since upgrading to 2.x. But now I keep getting

TASK [Create mysql database] *************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "unable to find /root/.my.cnf. Exception message: (2003, \"Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql.service.consul' (4)\")"}



  • name: Create mysql database
    state: present
    name: “{{ repo_sonarqube_mysql_user }}”
    login_host: mysql.service.consul
    login_user: “{{ data_rds_username }}”
    login_password: “{{ data_rds_password }}”


I have tried replacing all the variables with fixed values, but same result.

Anybody else seen this error?

User error, but not so informative error message. My instance security group was not updated to have access to the database.