some background on why I could use this is: configuring systems pre-deployed on different cloud providers, on one if need to start with ‘root’ to create the ansible user, on the other i dont have root, but it’s ‘localadmin’)
Now i have build a script around ansible-playbook, to determine on which provides i will be deploying.
If i could pass both, i would not need this script construction. From ansible perspecitiv, i should not need to care, where my vm is residing…
some background on why I could use this is: configuring systems pre-deployed on different cloud providers, on one if
need to start with 'root' to create the ansible user, on the other i dont have root, but it's 'localadmin')
Now i have build a script around ansible-playbook, to determine on which provides i will be deploying.
If i could pass both, i would not need this script construction. From ansible perspecitiv, i should not need to care,
where my vm is residing...
Why don't you put this information into group_vars/host_vars in your inventory?
yes i thought about this. This would require me to split the hosts in multiple groups (lets say: grp_VMWare, grp_MSAzure, grp_OracleCloud etc)
And that would require some more administration,
Thanks for the tip, this will keep me thinking some more about this suggestion, while waiting for other solutions.